New faces
Robert Lampel joined our group as a PhD student in 2024. Mirko Hu joined our group as a PostDoctoral researcher. Robert started in January as a MathCoRe fellow. He will work on Lifted (Quasi-)Newton methods. Mirko started in November. He will work mainly for our EFRE project IntelAlgen, a cooperation with Liisa Rihko-Struckmann from the MPI Magdeburg and with Karsten Rinke from the Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung Magdeburg. Welcome to the group!
Completion of theses
There were no completed PhD projects in the MathOpt group in 2024. Emma Fischer completed her excellent Bachelor thesis Warmstarten Innerer-Punkte-Methoden für Semidefinite Programmierung.
Excellence initiative and Third Party Funding
The SmartProSys initiative submitted a full proposal to Germany's excellence initiative. An on-site evaluation took place in Bonn in November 2024. The results shall be communicated on May 22, 2025.
We successfully applied for and launched two EFRE projects in 2024.
Conferences and social events
In 2024 we merged the IMO christmas party into the MPI christmas party.