
We are implementing modern mathematical algorithms in open source packages. Below is a selection of our work.

We are also the main maintainers of the benchmark library for mixed-integer optimal control problems, including optimal experimental design problems and inverse optimal control problems.

Selected publications

Hahn, M.
    author = {Hahn, Mirko},
    title = {mirhahn/pycoimset},
    publisher = {Zenodo},
    year = {2025},
    url = {},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.14726148}
Martensen, C., Plate, C., Sager, S.
GitHub repository
    author = {Martensen, C.J. and Plate, C. and Sager, S.},
    title = {dynamicOED.jl},
    journal = {GitHub repository},
    publisher = {GitHub},
    year = {2024},
    url = {}
Martensen, C. J., Plate, C., Sager, S.
DynamicOED.jl: A Julia package for solving optimum experimental design problems
Journal of Open Source Software
    author = {Martensen, Carl Julius and Plate, Christoph and Sager, Sebastian},
    title = {DynamicOED.jl: A Julia package for solving optimum experimental design problems},
    journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
    year = {2024},
    volume = {9},
    number = {98},
    pages = {6605},
    doi = {10.21105/joss.06605}
Plate, C., Sager, S., Tetschke, M.
GitHub repository
    author = {Plate, C. and Sager, S. and Tetschke, M.},
    title = {SecondOrderPOC.jl},
    journal = {GitHub repository},
    publisher = {GitHub},
    year = {2024},
    url = {}
Bürger, A., Zeile, C., Hahn, M., Altmann-Dieses, A., Sager, S., Diehl, M.
pycombina: An Open-Source Tool for Solving Combinatorial Approximation Problems arising in Mixed-Integer Optimal Control
    author = {B\"urger, A. and Zeile, C. and Hahn, M. and Altmann-Dieses, A. and Sager, S. and Diehl, M.},
    title = {pycombina: An Open-Source Tool for Solving Combinatorial Approximation Problems arising in Mixed-Integer Optimal Control},
    journal = {IFAC},
    year = {2020},
    volume = {53},
    pages = {6502--6508},
    doi = {10.1016/j.ifacol.2020.12.1799}
Janka, D., Kirches, C., Sager, S., Wächter, A.
An SR1/BFGS SQP algorithm for nonconvex nonlinear programs with block-diagonal Hessian matrix
Mathematical Progamming Computation
    author = {Janka, D. and Kirches, C. and Sager, S. and W\"achter, A.},
    title = {An {SR1/BFGS SQP} algorithm for nonconvex nonlinear programs with block-diagonal {H}essian matrix},
    journal = {Mathematical {P}rogamming {C}omputation},
    year = {2016},
    volume = {8},
    number = {4},
    pages = {435--459},
    doi = {10.1007/s12532-016-0101-2}
  • Feb 21st 2025, Productive year 2024: have a look at many submitted preprints.
  • Feb 21st 2025, Finally an update of our outdated webpages.

Prof. Dr. rer.nat. habil. Sebastian Sager
Head of MathOpt group
at the Institute of Mathematical Optimization
at the Faculty of Mathematics
at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Universitätsplatz 2, G02-224
39106 Magdeburg, Germany

: +49 391 67 58745
: +49 391 67 11171

Susanne Heß

Universitätsplatz 2, G02-205
39106 Magdeburg, Germany

: +49 391 67-58756
: +49 391 67-11171

  • Feb 21st 2025, Productive year 2024: have a look at many submitted preprints.
  • Feb 21st 2025, Finally an update of our outdated webpages.

Prof. Dr. rer.nat. habil. Sebastian Sager
Head of MathOpt group
at the Institute of Mathematical Optimization
at the Faculty of Mathematics
at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Universitätsplatz 2, G02-224
39106 Magdeburg, Germany

: +49 391 67 58745
: +49 391 67 11171

Susanne Heß

Universitätsplatz 2, G02-205
39106 Magdeburg, Germany

: +49 391 67-58756
: +49 391 67-11171