Funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) we perform cutting edge mathematical research and link it to key areas of regional development, in particular artificial intelligence and digitalization, health care, and algae production.
The projects are also intensively used to qualify young persons in emerging future key technologies and to foster the development of new ideas that become the basis of future research projects.

Funded by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund, Europäischer Sozialfonds) we try to establish synergies between mathematical research of the DFG Research Training Group 2297 Mathematical Complexity Reduction and the activities of two European Research Council Grants, i.e., the ERC Consolidator Grant Mathematical Optimization for Clinical Decision Support and Training and the ERC Proof of Concept Grant dIagnoSIs app for regular aTrial arrhytmia like Flutter.
In the projects SynMODEST (synergies and networks for ERC Consolidator Grant 2014) and SynIsItFlutter (employee qualification and synergy activities based on Proof of Concept Grant 2016) we actively create synergies between ongoing third party funded research projects. A particular focus is on smart algorithms for clinical decision support for leukemias and for the automatic classification of cardiac arrhythmia.
The projects are also intensively used to qualify young persons in an emerging future key technology and to foster the development of new ideas that become the basis of future research projects. Currently, we are working on a second funding phase for the Research Training Group, on a research project for optimization- and machine learning-driven therapy support for leukemias, and on inverse optimal control theory and algorithms.