Lecture: Mathematics for Clinical Decision Support
SS 2022: seminar
The lecture is followed by a seminar (LSF). Topics are individually assigned, based on experience and preferences of the students. Group projects of 2 or 3 people are possible. Seminar projects include hands-on implementations and combine mathematical techniques from the lectures with clinical decision support use cases. They can be combined with a Hiwi job or a follow-up thesis.

The format of the seminar is based on group work and three presentations distributed over the semester. Each group presents the project tasks at the beginning, first results at the middle, and final overview at the end of the semester:

  • Monday, May 2, 12h15 (Introduce topic and work plan)
  • Tuesday, June 7, 9h15 (First results and to dos)
  • Tuesday, June 28, 9h15 (Final presentation)
These meetings take place in the common room of mathematics in G02-210.

We will continue using the MatterMost group of the lecture. I advise you to register directly if you have not done so using this link. Please communicate in the group if you want to join the seminar.

WS 2021: lecture

The lecture (LSF) will be taught in English and addresses Master and PhD students in Mathematics or related fields. There is a short movie as a teaser for the lecture.

Date Chapter Chapter Name Online? External Resources
13.10.21 1 Introduction to Clinical Decision Support MCDS_01_Introduction
20.10.21 2 Ordinary Differential Equations MCDS_02_ODEs
20.10.21 3.1 Growth Models MCDS_03_01_GrowthModels MED, ytRosling
27.10.21 3.2 Oscillatory Systems MCDS_03_02{a,b}_Oscillations
3.11.21 3.3 Epidemic Models MCDS_03_03_SIR
3.11.21 3.4 Source Detection for Extrasystoles MCDS_03_04_Extrasystoles ooECG
3.11.21 3.5 Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome MCDS_03_05_WPW ooWPW
3.11.21 3.6 Ventricular Assist Devices for Heart Failure MCDS_03_06_LVAD ooHF
10.11.21 3.7 Decoding Complex Cardiac Arrhythmia MCDS_03_07_Decoding ooAFib
10.11.21 3.8 Simple Tumor Models MCDS_03_08_SimpleTumor tedAngiogenesis, ooImmune
17.11.21 3.9 Acute Myeloid Leukemia MCDS_03_09_AML ooAML
24.11.21 3.10 Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia MCDS_03_10_ALL
24.11.21 3.11 Polycythaemia Vera MCDS_03_11_PV ooPV
1.12.21 4 Analysis of ODE system models MCDS_04_Analysis
15.12.21 5 Simulation MCDS_05_Simulation
5.01.22 6.1 Parameter Estimation: Intro MCDS_06_01_ParameterEstimation_Intro
5.01.22 6.2 Parameter Estimation: Gauss-Newton MCDS_06_02_ParameterEstimation_GaussNewton
12.01.22 6 Parameter Estimation: Case Studies MCDS_06_03_ParameterEstimation_UseCases
19.01.22 7.0 Optimization and Optimal Control: Optimization MCDS_07_00_Optimization
19.01.22 7.1 Optimization and Optimal Control: Optimal Control MCDS_07_01_OptimalControl
19.01.22 7.2 Optimization and Optimal Control: Mixed-Integer Optimal Control MCDS_07_02_MIOC
19.01.22 7.3 Optimization and Optimal Control: Simple Tumor Model MCDS_07_02_SimpleTumor
19.01.22 7.4 Optimization and Optimal Control: Calcium Control MCDS_07_04_Calcium
26.01.22 7.5 Optimization and Optimal Control: SIR MCDS_07_05_SIR
26.01.22 7.6 Optimization and Optimal Control: LVAD MCDS_07_06_LVAD
26.01.22 7.7 Optimization and Optimal Control: Acute Myeloid Leukemia MCDS_07_07_AML
26.01.22 7.8 Optimization and Optimal Control: Polycythemia vera MCDS_07_08_PV
26.01.22 8.1 UQ and Optimal Experimental Design: Uncertainty Quantification MCDS_08_01_UQ
26.01.22 8.2 UQ and Optimal Experimental Design: Optimal Experimental Design MCDS_08_02_OED
26.01.22 8.3 UQ and Optimal Experimental Design: Lotka Volterra MCDS_08_03_Lotka
26.01.22 8.4 UQ and Optimal Experimental Design: Acute Myeloid Leukemia MCDS_08_04_AML
26.01.22 8.5 UQ and Optimal Experimental Design: Extrasystoles MCDS_08_05_Extrasystoles
26.01.22 9 Machine Learning MCDS_09_00_MachineLearning
26.01.22 9.1 Machine Learning: Acute Leukemias MCDS_09_01_AcuteLeukemias
26.01.22 9.2 Machine Learning: Cardiac Arrhytmia MCDS_09_02_HEAT

The dates specify the day when the asynchronous content is discussed in presence at 9h15 in G02-106 or via zoom. External resources are links to complementary background, in most cases youtube videos of the Open Osmosis (oo) channel.

Technical setup, Mattermost registration, and (virtual) meetings

The content of the lecture will be provided asynchronously via videos and a lecture script on this password-protected page. Exercises and discussion rounds may either be virtual via zoom (as a password please use the abbreviation (mcds) of this lecture) or in presence. Typically, on Wednesday at 9h15 I will open the zoom session with a notebook in the lecture room G02-106, so you can decide yourself which way of participation you prefer. Note that the lecture time slots have been reallocated compared to the lsf entries after discussion at the first meeting to Wednesday, 9h-11h for the lecture and Wednesday, 11h-13h for the exercises and free time for the asynchronous content.

In addition to asynchronous content and regular meetings, there is also a MatterMost group dedicated to this lecture. I advise you to register directly and before the start of the lecture using this link.

Asynchronous Content, Exercises, and Downloads

On this password-protected page

Rechtlicher Hinweis: Die Vorlesungen und Vorlesungsvideos sind nichtöffentliche Dokumente und ausschließlich Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern der Vorlesung nach vorheriger Anmeldung zugänglich. Alle Rechte liegen bei Prof. Dr. Sebastian Sager sowie beim Institut für Mathematische Optimierung. Jede öffentliche oder private Weitergabe oder Verbreitung der Videos, insbesondere das zur Verfügung stellen über YouTube und andere Plattformen, ist ausdrücklich untersagt. Achtung: auch einige Materialien sind urheberrechtlich geschützt und sollen nur für die Vorlesung genutzt, auf keinen Fall weitergegeben werden.


We will use a hybrid or virtual format, with videos of the lectures that can be asynchronously assessed. Discussions and exercises take either place in presence or using zoom.

  • Lecture with 4+2 SWS and 9 ECTS-Credits
  • Time slot: Wed 9:15 - 10:45 for discussions concerning the lecture, via zoom or room G02-106
  • Time slot: Wed 11:15 - 12:45 for practical exercises, room G02-106, via zoom or room G02-106
  • Lecturers and practical exercises

It will survey mathematical concepts for clinical decision support systems and apply them to models of biological/medical problems. We shall also address medical content for non-specialists (mathematicians).

Practical exercises will complement the lecture.


Mathematical basics (Analysis and Linear Algebra) and programming skills.

Module description
The lecture can be included in several curriculae, as listed on the LSF page. In particular, it is a master lecture in the mathematics curriculum and described in the module handbook as a Wahlpflicht module:
  • WPF MA (Module 12, 13, 14)
  • WPF MA; M 1-3 (Module M3D)

A translation of the module description:
  • Goals and competences: The students acquire competences with respect to modeling and algorithmically solving simulation and optimization problems that arise from the modeling of biological and medical topics. The results shall help to support clinical decision making. Examples are automatic classifications of cardiac arrhytmia, efficient strategies for finding a good ablation point, estimating the course of chemotherapy treatment, and a scheduling of treatments for polycythemia vera.
  • Content: In the lecture mathematical techniques are introduced, explained, and applied to concrete examples. This comprehends modeling, simulation, sensitivity analysis, parameter estimation, identifiability, experimental design, optimization, optimal control, dual control, and machine learning. The medical applications are mostly from cardiology and oncology.

The lecture is also open to other master and PhD students of OVGU. However, please note that the lecture is addressed to mathematical master students and assumes a good understanding of mathematical basics.


Feel free to pose general questions and let me know if you plan to attend the lecture in our MatterMost channel.

  • Feb 21st 2025, Productive year 2024: have a look at many submitted preprints.
  • Feb 21st 2025, Finally an update of our outdated webpages.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Sebastian Sager
Head of MathOpt group
at the Institute of Mathematical Optimization
at the Faculty of Mathematics
at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Universitätsplatz 2, G02-224
39106 Magdeburg, Germany

: +49 391 67 58745
: +49 391 67 11171

Susanne Heß

Universitätsplatz 2, G02-205
39106 Magdeburg, Germany

: +49 391 67-58756
: +49 391 67-11171

  • Feb 21st 2025, Productive year 2024: have a look at many submitted preprints.
  • Feb 21st 2025, Finally an update of our outdated webpages.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Sebastian Sager
Head of MathOpt group
at the Institute of Mathematical Optimization
at the Faculty of Mathematics
at the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Universitätsplatz 2, G02-224
39106 Magdeburg, Germany

: +49 391 67 58745
: +49 391 67 11171

Susanne Heß

Universitätsplatz 2, G02-205
39106 Magdeburg, Germany

: +49 391 67-58756
: +49 391 67-11171