We are actively working on modern methods for optimal experimental design of dynamic processes.
Selected publications
@article{Kaps2025, author = {Kaps, Lothar and Leipold, Johannes and Plate, Christoph and Martensen, Carl Julius and Kortuz, Wieland and Seidel-Morgenstern, Andreas and Kienle, Achim and Sager, Sebastian}, title = {Optimal Experiments for Hybrid Modeling of Methanol Synthesis Kinetics}, journal = {preprints.org preprint}, year = {2025}, doi = {10.20944/preprints202502.0422.v1} }
@article{Plate2024, author = {Plate, Christoph and Martensen, Carl Julius and Sager, Sebastian}, title = {Optimal experimental design for universal differential equations}, journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2408.07143}, year = {2024} }
@article{Sager2013, author = {Sager, S.}, title = {{S}ampling {D}ecisions in {O}ptimum {E}xperimental {D}esign in the {L}ight of {P}ontryagin's {M}aximum {P}rinciple}, journal = {{SIAM} Journal on Control and Optimization}, year = {2013}, volume = {51}, number = {4}, pages = {3181--3207}, url = {https://mathopt.de/publications/Sager2013.pdf} }