Prof. Dr. habil. Sebastian Sager
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Miscellaneous work and submitted publications
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- e.g., to search for entries between 2012 and 2014, type: 201[2-4]
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@misc{Martensen2024b, author = {Martensen, C.J. and Plate, C. and Sager, S.}, title = {dynamicOED.jl}, journal = {GitHub repository}, publisher = {GitHub}, year = {2024}, url = {} }
@misc{secondorderpoc, author = {Plate, C. and Sager, S. and Tetschke, M.}, title = {SecondOrderPOC.jl}, journal = {GitHub repository}, publisher = {GitHub}, year = {2024}, url = {} }
@misc{Frasch2011, author = {Frasch, J. and Janka, D. and Kircheis, R. and Sager, S.}, title = {Das {R}ucksackproblem der {B}undesligamanager}, journal = {{OR} {N}ews}, year = {2011}, volume = {43}, pages = {6--9}, url = {} }
@misc{Sager2011d, author = {Sager, S.}, title = {{O}n the {I}ntegration of {O}ptimization {A}pproaches for {M}ixed-{I}nteger {N}onlinear {O}ptimal {C}ontrol}, year = {2011}, note = {Habilitation}, url = {} }
@misc{TOBAGO, author = {Sager, S. and Diedam, H. and Engelhart, M.}, title = {{T}ailorshop: {O}ptimization {B}ased {A}nalysis and data {G}eneration t{O}ol}, year = {2009}, url = {} }
@misc{Sager2007c, author = {Sager, S.}, title = {{V}on diskreten {M}athematikern und {W}anderungen im {G}ebirge}, journal = {{B}ild der {W}issenschaft plus}, year = {2007}, volume = {11}, pages = {12--15}, url = {} }
@misc{Sager2006a, author = {Sager, S.}, title = {{N}umerische {M}ethoden f\"ur {P}robleme der gemischt-ganzzahligen {O}ptimalen {S}teuerung}, journal = {{OR} {N}ews}, year = {2006}, volume = {28}, pages = {30--31} }
@misc{Sager2005a, author = {Sager, S.}, title = {{H}ohe {M}athematik beim {S}cience {P}icnic}, journal = {{R}hein--{N}eckar--{Z}eitung}, year = {2005}, pages = {14}, note = {July 6}, url = {} }